Having a perfect lawn is everyone’s dream, but often not their reality! So how do you attain the perfect lawn? One way is to hire a garden professional to take care of it. Premium Pools and Gardens is one company that provides yard maintenance to help keep your lawn looking lovely. If you have the time and prefer to manage your lawn yourself, here are some great tips to lawn perfection and thick, green, soft grass!

Mowing Tips
How you mow the lawn will impact how it looks. Frequent mowing will help create a greener lawn as it encourages thick growth patterns. Make sure your mower blades are sharp so grass is chopped smoothly and it’s best not to mow the lawn too short. The shorter your grass the more water and herbicides it will require, so don’t go too low. A good rule of thumb is to never cut more than one third off the grass height. Mowing high also makes the grass deepen its roots and the deeper the roots the hardier the lawn will be against disease. Never mow the lawn when it’s wet.
It is best to leave your lawn clippings on the lawn. This saves the work of emptying the mower catcher and it also helps to fertilise the soil. If you mow frequently the clippings will not be too thick on the ground. so they will not look untidy.
The trick to a great lawn is to water it deeply and also infrequently. If you water it daily it will encourage shallow roots and will waste water. There are some simple tricks to working out if your lawn needs to be watered. Try pushing a screwdriver into the ground. If the soil resists, it’s time to water. Walk across the lawn, if your footprints remain, then it’s time to get out the sprinkler. Give the yard a thorough soaking when you water. Early morning is the best time to water so you don’t lose water through evaporation. Don’t water at night: the grass should be dry before nightfall to prevent disease.
The main thing to remember with fertilising your lawn is not to overdo it. Too much fertiliser will create too much growth and you will be forever mowing. The best way to establish how much fertiliser your lawn needs is to test the soil every few years. A test isn’t expensive and will save you money in the long run. Testing will show how much phosphorous, nitrates, nitrogen and lime are in the soil and from there you can work out what you need to add in the way of fertilisers.
Control Pests
The very best way to avoid pests attacking your lawn is to grow a thick and healthy lawn. It’s important to keep weeds down also. If you only have a few weeds you can use a dandelion fork to remove them. Keep a close eye on your lawn for any sign of pests or disease and act promptly if they appear.
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I would love a beautiful lawn like that. I have a total of 8 pine trees in my yards. I have two big ones out front that are half dead and need to be cut down. Eventually I am removing all 8. I can’t seem to grow any grass around any of the pines. Too much acid. This spring the 2 out front will be removed and replaced with a baby red maple that my daughter brought home on arbor day. It’s in a big pot now. I will follow these helpful tips. I have 2 neighbors that have yards straight out of better homes and gardens. Not easy to compete with them.
These are great tips! We don’t put much time into ours, but these tips look easy to do. Thanks for sharing.
All are very good tips.
I have a neighbor who is obsessed with his yard. Unfortunately, we’ve never really been that big on yard care. Mow the grass so it doesn’t grow into a “meadow,” and that’s about it. I agree, it’s hard to keep up with the neighbors if it’s not your interest or talent area to care for your lawn.
These are great tips for maintaining lawn health. Thank you for this post.
We have tried for 10 years to get a nice lawn. We even started from scratch two times. Our neighbors don’t take care of theirs, so it’s hard to keep weeds down.
I have decided to try one more time to get the perfect lawn. The way the houses are our neighbors share the yard.
These are really great tips.I like that they are simple enough for even busy people to follow up with.I am sure they will pay off eventually.
I did not know that there were so many tips on how to take care of you lawn. Thanks for the advice.
I love this. Thanks for the tips I’m going to try them this year.
My Lawn had receded a lot, I have a huge lawn and the water running down from the woods has taken the level much lower and very clay soil is now the case.. I have an aerator that I pull with my 4 wheeler to help some but need proper drainage put in. It is so costly, I may have to just add sand then put top soil and reseed.. I have a job cut out for me….
These are some excellent tips for caring for your lawn. This year I removed my mower’s blade and sharpened it with my new knife and tool sharpener from Work-Sharp. It works incredibly good with my knives making them razor sharp. It has a coarse belt that is for sharpening tools, so I used it to sharpen the blade and it is almost razor sharp and I noticed that the mower hardly slows down when mowing the thicker areas of grass. We also got several electronic timers last year so we just have to set them and not really worry about watering the lawn. Thanks for the tips, they do make a difference.
Thank you for these great tips! I agree that all of these will make your lawn prettier.
Thank you for the great tips! I love working on my lawn and garden and look for tips that don’t cost a lot of money. I want to make my neighbors jealous!