Are you suffering from puffy eye bags and dark under-eye circles? Are fine lines starting to show specially when you smile? Is your face giving away your age?
Honestly, I’m one of those millions of women who frown and get deeply saddened seeing my face in the mirror. I know that I’m not getting any younger but I don’t want to grow old all wrinkled and dried up. I know, it’s called vanity but I’m not seeking for the fountain of youth. I just want to stay beautiful (*wink*) as long as I can.
Well, can you blame me? I’m sure there are women out there who share the same sentiments. It’s not like we were born uber beautiful and it’s not because we have low self-confidence. If you’re a woman and reading this, I bet you know exactly what I’m talking about here.
Ok, enough with the drama and let’s move on to the main course, err main topic. As what the headline up there suggests, this is about the new CELETEQUE DermoScience Brightening Eye Tuck plus Dark Circles Lightener.
Yeah, it’s another beauty enhancing and repair product BUT mind you, don’t underestimate its power.
Lemme give you a bit of intro before I give you my verdict on the review products sent to me.
CELETEQUE DermoScience Brightening Eye Tuck plus Dark Circles Lightener has Eyeseryl® Tetrapeptide Complex that effectively counters the formation of loose skin around the eyes by improving skin elasticity and fighting water accumulation, the 2 main drivers of puffiness around the eyes. It also significantly lightens the skin around the eyes for a brighter look, in just 4 weeks.

My Verdict
I received samples of CELETEQUE DermoScience Brightening Eye Tuck plus Dark Circles Lightener a few weeks ago but only got to try it just 1 week ago. So, the results you will see in the photos below are just after a week of application.

In the first image even with make up, you will notice dark circles, fine lines and crows feet (character lines or lines that form outside the corners of your eyes). Well, that’s inevitable for a person approaching middle age.
Just 7 days of continuous application, morning and night time, you will see that on the second image, the crow’s feet were reduced and the fine lines, well became even finer especially that big fat line in the first photo. The dark circles even became lighter. I decided to show that image without make-up so you can see the astonishing improvement.
If you will take a closer look, the whole eye portion looked a bit stretched, maybe that’s why the lines slightly disappeared. Also, I bet with continued use, my eye bags might disappear altogether. Wow! That’s something to look forward to in the coming weeks!
But of course, healthy living and lifestyle also play great roles in staying younger-looking. Though you’re using various beauty products but not taking care of your whole body inside and out, it will show up physically eventually. So, try to keep it at a minimum.
If you are interested in using the CELETEQUE DermoScience™ Brightening Eye Tuck plus Dark Circles Lightener, you can purchase it at leading department stores, Watsons and Mercury Drug.
PRICE: PhP 299.00 or roughly $7
To know more about the company, please visit them at:
* Disclaimer – I received no compensation for this publication apart from the review products sent by Unilab. Opinions/reviews expressed on this post are 100% my own and may differ from those of yours. For detailed disclosure please read it HERE.
Remember: Before taking, consuming or using any brands or products for the first time, talk to your physician first about it and do some allergy test. Test and try it at your own risk.
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