Make the Switch to Swish Mouthwash!

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We’re not making any switch because we’re already long time users of Swish Mouthwash. But, this post is to help you decide if it’s worth the leap because after all, your health and hygiene depends on it.

I recently received this Swish Mangosteen Mint Mouthwash and Swish Arctic Chill Breath Spray for review. Good timing coz we need a new stock and hubby needs a new spray. He works in a hotel, so fresh breath is highly important.

T’was a new thing for us though coz it’s a different flavor and Mangosteen isn’t exactly one of my fave. When hubby said it tasted great, I gotta try it too!

Well, I was proven wrong, huge misconception on my part! Others may not like it but surprisingly, I love it!


Product Review Disclosure

Here’s why:

Swish Mangosteen Mint Mouthwash
1. Initially, I found the scent and taste too strong. Maybe I’m just wasn’t used to Mangosteen but after sometime, came to love it. It’s like perfume for your mouth, not literally đŸ™‚
2. Got this minty after taste that I’m always looking for in a mouthwash. I love the feeling of freshness inside my mouth and it’s also present with this flavor.
3. What I love most with any Swish breath fresheners is the fact that they are Alcohol-Free. You’ll feel a slight sting from the mint ingredient but not a burning sensation, as if it’s scraping your gums and cheeks.
4. Unlike other mouthwash sold in the market, no need to add water. Just pour a small amount on the cap and it’s enough to kill those pesky bacteria. Of course, do not swallow it.
5. You can gargle twice a day especially if you have itchy throat, a sign of an impending cough.
6. Safe for teens and even if you gargle for 30 seconds.
7. Lasts longer because it’s concentrated. 120ml bottle can even reach a month even if you use it twice a day. Single person using it, that is.

Swish Arctic Chill Breath Spray
1. I also use this spray and it’s a constant item in my bag especially when I’m out shopping or just mingling with friends.
2. Handy and size fits any small purse or pouch.
3. The last one I used before I tossed it out in the trashcan lasted for months. Hubby’s using this one I got for review practically every day after each heavy meal, and it’s been 2 weeks now and still pumping, lol!
4. Also has that minty after feel freshness.
5. In just 10 seconds, quickly kills bacteria and gives you fresh breath
6. Alcohol-free and sugar-free too!

There’s nothing like a long-lasting fresh breath specially if you are always talking to people. Yeah, it’s a quick fix but it does work its magic!

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Phone: (02)8581000

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