The Eyebrowdery: Get Those 3D Eyebrows!

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Are you that type of girl who’s always on the move, rushing from one place to another and no time to fix your makeup or just want to write a caption on your selfie saying, “I woke up like this”?

Busy as a bee a girl maybe, it’s just not like us to go out looking well, not our best more so for those who usually wear makeup, it ain’t complete if we don’t have a bit of color on our face.

Nowadays, if you have the budget, a girl can actually go out with light or no make up at all! Oh maybe just a bit of powder and blush here and there to liven the face more, but no more fixing the brows, line the eyes and even put on lipstick!

Yep, it’s all possible now… Lemme introduce you to The Eyebrowdery

The Eyebrowdery

The Eyebrowdery was established to offer the most innovative way of putting permanent make-up on your glorious faces and we are very proud to say that our materials come from natural plant extracts thus making it very organic, environment friendly, and 100% safe!

Make-up embroidery has become known in fashion forward countries like Singapore, Korea, Hong Kong, Japan and a whole lot more.

The Eyebrowdery offers exceptional services on permanent yet natural looking make-up to enhance better what’s already beautiful! It serves almost all women’s need for beauty maintenance such as eyebrow tinting, waxing, threading, shaving, plucking, manicure, pedicure, eyelashes extension and many more.

Here’s a peek on what The Eyebrowdery can do:

The Eyebrowdery 3D

I attended The Eyebrowdery event a few weeks ago and glad that I did coz I’m really thinking of having my brows permanently tinted. Yep, I’m one of those girls hahahaha.

I was so curious on how they go about it, I mean if they can still salvage my sparse brows, the procedures, after care and side effects. Well, I wasn’t the fortunate one coz another blogger friend was chosen and had her brows “3D embroidered” for free! Not bitter here though coz at least I got to see firsthand, from start to finish and it ain’t bad at all, honestly.

I won’t go into details anymore coz the procedure took hours BUT I’m assuring you that girl, if you got the money and you got problematic brows, or want to have permanent lined eyes and kissable lips, The Eyebrowdery is the place to go, definitely!

So, I wanna show you these images below:

The Eyebrowdery

First pic on the left, girl had her left brow drawn to her desired shape while the right’s her original thin brow.

Second pic, both brows had been drawn, with anaesthesia to kill the pain. Looks perfect to me..

Third pic was the result. A little thicker at first and darker, but since the doc used a lighter shade, it will lighten more in the next few days and oh, a bit thinner than the initial stage.

Her face looked more fresher, brighter and alive! I liked what I saw and since she said it wasn’t that painful, I just might go for it next year.

But, if you girls are interested to have your brows, eyes, lips etc fixed or beautified this holiday season, The Eyebrowdery is offering an awesome deal until the end of the month!

The Eyebrowdery Christmas Discounts

Grab it if you must have that perfect selfie day after day! 🙂

The Eyebrowdery


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