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I’m on a roll these days… want to be slim for an upcoming celebration and honestly, I have a long way to go or shed lol.
I’ve been trying yoga on and off mainly because I’m very busy with a lot of things in the past several months. I really can’t make it a priority as of now though, I know sooner or later, I have to find time one way or the other.

I’ve started with a few yoga clothes and a mat, not those expensive ones but somewhere along what you see online. I’ve been lucky to discover yogadirect.com for discount yoga mats and referred the site to friends who are also crazy with yoga.
Though I’ve only done a few stint with this highly-acclaimed exercise regimen, I know I like it and will definitely pursue when time permits. Well, let’s wait and see..
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I could recommend a few great Yoga dvds to you I have done for years,it’s so relaxing and good for you.
Thanks Laurie 🙂
I love Yoga. I think it’s very relaxing and can help relieve stress if you have any, which is probably everyone. I am encouraging my young daughter to do Yoga with me. I bought her a little Yoga mat that’s so cute and she likes it as well. I do need to get some Yoga clothes though..
Great review. I have had a few surgeries so I have chronic pain. I have found that Yoga is a wonderful way for me to decrease my pain levels dramatically! I’m in need for some new yoga gear. On my way there!! Thanks for sharing!!
I’ve been wanting to take some yoga classes for a long time…..guess I need to check out some DVDs since the classes offered in my area are all going on when I’m working
I love yoga..very relaxing.
i’d love to do yoga if it didn’t always make me yawn LOL..i’m happy to hear they have discount sites like this because yoga is expensive!!!
I love yoga. Thanks for the information.
love yoga..its so relaxing
i am morbidly obese and have tried yoga several times while i know its exercise i also want to relax. I have found many poses impossible is this not ment for fat ppl or should i give up i have been trying three days now to follow.
I have never done yoga but have always wanted to take yoga classes. Maybe one day I will be able to afford them and will be able to do it. I would get the purple yoga mat 🙂
I did yoga regularly a while ago, and loved it. Felt so much better when I was doing it.
I need to exercise ,but I don’t think yoga is my thing….
I have never done Yoga I like you review I might give it a try .Thanks
Its been recommended that I try yoga for my chronic pain & Im looking into getting started very soon. It looks very relaxing to me. Thanks for a great review post!
I have been wanting to try yoga.
That is a good site! I am a yoga nut. I love practicing it every morning. I always end up having my dog licking my face when I am practicing downward dog! LOL
i would love to try yoga as well.. =)
I yoga in pink shoelaces!
I love Hatha yoga especially the sun salutations. Wonderful way of relaxing and destressing the body and mind!
I am currently doing Beachbody’s Turbo Fire and it really kicks my butt. I have lots of pregnancy weight to lose. Yoga would be nice addition to my routine to help me stretch and relax all those muscles I’ve been working so hard. I’ve never had much success with yoga alone but it sure helps my overall strength and flexibility. I just have a lot of fat to lose too.
I have also been told to try yogo – I used to walk/run and it wears on your knees and now that I think I might have RA – or will find out soon if I do – I have been told to try it. I like the site you gave and I will look into classes near me, if not DVD’s – thanks for the post!
I enjoy yoga, it really helps me to de-stress and to focus.
Yoga helped me a lot in a difficult period of my life and continue to improve my life now.
which is better, yoga or zumba? I want to lose weight but at the same time enjoy the routine!:)
Thank goodness yoga can be done without investing a lot of money
great review. thanks for sharing
i tried yoga but because of my size couldn’t do alot of moves should i give up or try and try and try. I liked what i could do
Never tryed Yoga, maybe I shoud.
A good link to some lower priced yoga stuff. I have always wanted to try but was a little afraid. I do have that silly wii game that helps with yoga. You have inspired me to turn it on.
I find yoga is relaxing and so beneficial to many health issues.I think you would enjoy it too.
I so need to lose weight and get into shape and I have always heard that yoga is a fun way to do those things!! Gotta quit smoking first though.
I could never get into yoga. 🙁
I would love to do YOGA i love being healthy & fit…
I have never tried out yoga maybe soon.
i would like to give it a try too, but i need to buy the essentials first before i get to start with it 🙂
Maybe just start off slowly and work your self up to adding more time and days. I had foot surgery so my right foot is still healing and sore:(!! So it will be a while before I can use my feet so I just use both arms and 1 leg to sit down and do my thing.Take care and happy yoga:)
I am huge Pilates aficionado, practicing several times a week at home. Just have never been able to get into yoga – although I love the clothes!
Another great thing about yoga vs. other forms of exercise is that it’s low impact.
I’ve been thinking about trying yoga. I need to lose weight & think it might be a good way to get exercise.
I love yoga! great article.
I have been swimming and biking and hooray ai have finally tried yoga too and to my surprise I actually enjoy it.Thanks for the great review.
I wish I could motivate myself to do any kind of exercise!
That’s a great site! The next time a need some new equipment I’ll stop by that site.
Ive always wanted to try yoga. Hopefull I will soon.
I have never done yoga. I heard its very relaxing and healthy for the body.
It makes me really want to try out yoga after reading this, I have never done or experience it. Thanks for this information.
I definitely want to try yoga!! I am so overweight and I need to do something pretty quick before my health issues get worse!!
A healthcare worker suggested my daughter try yoga because my daughter does all these stretches for cheer and the woman thought my daughter would like the exercises
sibabe64 at ptd dot net
I sure wish I didn’t feel like I had to loose weight to be able to start doing yoga. I would have been amazing at it years ago.
I’m afraid to try an exercise program – even yoga. Every time I get tinto exercising, I hurt myself. Good luck. You’re probably younger and more flexible than I am.
I absolutely love doing yoga now and quite often my daughter and I do it together .
I am tryingyoga now. Thanks!
I love putting on the strechy pants and sitting on my mat.Sometimes I just like to do some yoga stretches because it makes me feel so relaxed after.
thanks for thew great review I have been thinking about doing some yoga to change up my routine
I have been really wanting to get into yoga. I was thinking of getting a couple beginner dvds and trying them out alone in my house so no one can see my look like a fool! lol I think once i start im really going to enjoy it.
I love yoga. Its a good destresser
Never tried yoga but my friends highly recommend it. Would want to try it out soon. 🙂
i will try yoga during weekends.. thanks 🙂
I wish I could motivate myself to do any kind of exercise!
But I’m very lazy
Love yoga!! Thank you!
If you don’t have one already “Get One!” I’ve had two back surgeries and Yoga has been a God send for me. These mats are fantastic!!
I love yoga! It’s great stress relieft and I can do it while my son is napping!
great review about yoga–enjoyed
I am not sure that I would be very good at yoga. I am open to it, but probably not realistic for me.
I’d love to start yoga. This is giving me a push.
I used to do mari winsor pilates . I was told that is similar to yoga techniques.
I have always wanted to try Yoga. I have heard it’s very relaxing. I enjoyed your review.
Thanks for the website, I’ve been thinking about doing yoga & that helps cause I need affordable right now.
I’m not much of an exerciser. I did try yoga a few years ago when I took a bad fall. I hurt my back and along with P.T yoga did help.
Thanks for the link to the site. I hadn’t heard of it before.