The title “Beauty Magnet” should attract more attention, this is about beauty and skincare anyway and I’m pretty sure women will be drawn and read it. Besides, what I’m about to reveal will be beneficial not only to women but for men too!
What am I blabbering about here? It’s about Beauty Magnet – a “House of Authentic and Effective Beauty Products”!

I was invited to a mini-launch of this online store and it was also the birthday celebration of the owner, Ms. Manette Calupitan. The products were honestly very interesting and most of the time I was amazed!
Collagen Jelly
Now, you don’t have to carry a bottle of your fave collagen drink nor those capsule ones when you travel, best for people always on the go too. This type of collagen is in a jelly form (as shown below). It’s light, no need to mix with water, not in a capsule-medicine form and best of all, you just tear it to open, squeeze it and consume!

Last year, I’ve come across a collagen product which is chewable but quite expensive per bottle. This collagen jelly is not only easy to carry but also easy on the pocket. I’m not allowed to disclose the pricing yet because modifications will be made in the packaging. Though, the owner already mentioned that it will be more affordable once it comes out in the market.
Flavors – peach, grape and one with chia seeds. I’ve tasted the one with the chia and I dig it more because I’m already taking chia seeds every morning and makes me feel full until lunch time.

1 bottle contains 60 skin whitening tablets with combination of Pycnogenol (lightens skin better than Kojic Acid), Arbutin (prevents formation of melanin), and Glutathione (the mother of all anti-oxidants). Priced at $39.99 or approx Php1,800+.

What I like about this product is that it has anti-aging properties as well as UV ray protection. I’m in my late 40s thus need products such as this. Frequent readers would know that I’m quite vain hahaha and wanna age gracefully, not wrinkly and dry.
Silky Foot Peeling Mask
I haven’t tried this yet but meant to last week, only that I got this annoying toenail ingrown, had it removed which resulted to a bit painful big toe. Don’t want to aggravate the situation, thus postponed my much needed foot spa.

This works like a foot peeling solution to get rid of dry and rough skin. You peel it off, put your foot inside, wrap it by wearing socks, then let the solution do its thing. You’ll see the peel-off effect between 2-7 days. Fits foot sizes 5 to 9.
Will do a post review for this one as I really wanna show you the after-effects.
Dark Spot Treatment
This product is highly interesting because in just a few seconds, you can see the effects! It’s initially a dark spot treatment but the owner said that the formula will be improved and an ingredient/s for melasma will be added. That would be cool coz we Asians are prone to Melasma.

It’s in powder form, once you rub it you will see immediate effect. Check out the encircled portion on the second photo and up close on the 3rd photo. Looked like patchy small skin discoloration but in actual, that portion became whiter than the surrounding!
Can’t wait for this product to be launched and will definitely grab one!
Other new products are already in the can and will be launched soon, so will keep you posted and will do one-on-one reviews of each. For the meantime, check out Beauty Magnet at their webpages below. Also browse around their website and see the skin care solutions for your specific skin problems!
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