My Constant Companion: Canon Powershot SX30 IS

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I love to learn even just the basic photography. It’s been a lifelong dream and I’m still hoping that before I turn in my ’50s, I’d get a chance to learn the ropes and be able to cover some posh or really grand fashion shows using the knowledge I acquired. I’m not out to be under the wings of famous local photographers and I don’t even aspire to be one. I merely want to enjoy taking shots of people or objects – the right and creative way.

When my old digital camera conked on me, I was really devastated! It was the first touch screen that Polaroid digital camera released, I think more than a year ago. It served me like a proud trying hard photographer but the zoom function got misaligned so I had to ditch it.

Polaroid Digital Camera

After months of working late online and courtesy of my husband, I was able to buy a new camera, a Canon Powershot SX30 IS. I read all the reviews and studied the specs even compared it to popular entry level DSLR brands but since the budget is restricted, I had to settle for it.

When I finally had my hands on the new camera, I told myself I was right in choosing it. Not that I’m disappointed coz I didn’t buy a DSLR but I was really thrilled! The 35x zoom was simply unbelievable! I also liked the live view plus the thick battery pack lasts for more than the normal hours of regular digital cameras.

Canon Powershot SX30 IS Canon Powershot SX30 IS

The raw photos may not be as great as a DSLR photo but I’m contented with the results. I guess, I just have to learn how to use Photoshop to be able to edit and “beautify” my photos,lol. But then, compared to other digicams, I’d bet my Canon is better than the rest.

I know this ain’t a photo blog, but I just wanna show off some of my photos. Anyway, if you’re a Pinoy, you’d definitely know what Samut-Sari means ;P :

Canon Powershot SX30 ISMy hubby took a shot at the Super Moon using 35X Zoom

When the lens are extended at 35X, it’s pretty hard to control the shaking. Though it has an anti-shake feature, someone with an unsteady hand like me will definitely perspire before I can take a shot that close,lol.

Canon Powershot SX30 ISThe photo above was taken using the micro feature.

Since I got this camera, I’m confident that my photos are much better than before. Gee, it’s been months already and still I haven’t tried all the other features. At least now, I won’t be shy when attending events and even if I’m at the back of the crowd, I’d still be able to capture my subjects from afar.

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3 thoughts on “My Constant Companion: Canon Powershot SX30 IS

  1. Wow, your cam is a good point-and-shoot! đŸ™‚ I have shaky hands din kaya I tend to take blurry shots, it;s advisable to buy tripod kahit yung maliit lang para handy.

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